
The month of May was a wonderfully transformative month for me personally. Life brought forward many challenges that asked me to choose. I could be victimized or I could be ensouled. Over and over I had to make the choice of listening to my intellect and following my emotions, or listening to wisdom. My meditation and ritual practices were my lifeline. The experience of the month of May deepened my appreciation of the relationship that we have with the unseen world, and my gratitude to the unseen world for it's unconditional love for all of us. I only had to open and ask, and wisdom was right there for me. recording, composing, teaching, marketing, all will have a new and exciting dimension and a new wisdom. My physical body will be stronger and able to support the recording and composing process in new and exciting ways. Life is good! I expect to be composing a lot of Soul Music over the next few months. That doorway has opened wide. Let me know if t...