A week of intense work

Well.....it's not snowing yet although we have had a snow shower around 3AM on Friday morning. It's almost December.....where is the snow?? This last week there was no doubt that a window of opportunity and support had opened. I knew that VIDA and Deep Snowy Night had to be out by this weekend. Why did I know this? I just knew it, and it had nothing to do with Black Friday. So, Susan Stamm has been really busy with CD cover design and with marketing flyer design. I have been really busy with editing music, and creating a new newsletter that is an online event called Chilam, and with sending out electronic and snail mail invitations to all of this new music. Deep Snowy Night is an album of Christmas Music. We call this time of the solstice by different names, and we celebrate it in different ways. Our music sings of love and light and warmth and friendship....at this time we can choose to celebrate our oneness, or to get into fights about whose terminology is the right...