December 5th already

December is moving along so very quickly. Mother Earth is giving us the deep cold (it's 16 degrees this morning) that all of nature needs in order for new life to emerge next Spring.
Sunshine is this intense cold has a special quality...sort of sparkly and a soft gold. The colors of the land and it's foliage are soft brown, deep brown, soft gray and black of tree branches against the sky of blue or gray. Flashing against this background are cardinals of brilliant red and blue jays and still the yellow finches. We have had some snow almost every day for the last few weeks, but are still expecting the heavy snows that will cover the ground with white.

Last year I wrote Deep Snowy Night, Tree of Light, and Dance of Light to celebrate the beauty of this wondrous season of Winter...and placed it in the Earth Essence music for your free download. If you don't already have this free music, go to the home page of this website and scroll down to the free download section and click on the Earth Essence music. Scroll down a little further on the home page and you will find easy download directions.

We are approaching the longest night of the year on the winter solstice. This is my birth day.
The longest night also is the time that light begins to emerge from the darkness. Beginning the day after the solstice, there will be more light every day until we reach the summer solstice in June. How beautiful is the darkness....and how beautiful is the emergence of light.

Much love to all.


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