HOLIDAY JOY….Love in Music and Art

HOLIDAY SPECIAL : From now until December 31st, we are extending to all of you a special price for all of my CDs. Many of you have been friends of Mayan Dream Productions for many, many years. We are grateful for your support over the years. If you are a first-time customer….welcome! All CDs are $6.50 each plus shipping and handling. As a special gift, your shipping price is also reduced during this Holiday Special. When you handle a CD created in love which carries music from the Heart of Everything and artwork from loving artists, you are being touched by love and by wisdom. When you listen to my music, you are changed by the impact of the vibration of love and wisdom carried within my music. Love and Wisdom are healing…they inspire creativity….they bring an inner peace. The artwork also vibrates the same unconditional love. Music and art are not neutral. They are powerful instruments of change for our world to make it a better...