Spring Emergence
The long winter hibernation is definitely over! We are experiencing weather in the 60s and low 70s sometimes. Grass is green…..my star magnolia tree is in full bloom….the bushes in Fox Island are now beginning to green….and here I am writing in the early morning hours again with my cup of coffee in hand. With the emergence of Spring comes the emergence of the new music. Next week I will be in the recording studio composing and performing the first free download for all of you. In late August I will begin the new album "Wisdom Ablaze". Ann Beeching is doing the original painting for the cover artwork, and it looks like we will see the Milky Way in the night sky with the Pyramid of the Moon. This gives me and you some idea of the focus of the music. This is a sharing of the pathway of the artist/musician as new music develops over time. It is a lovely and dynamic process!! Love to all!