The Wisdom Music

When you listen to the Wisdom Enters The World music, you are entering into a wondrous place. You hear wind from the mountains of Santiago Atitlan; bird song and water from Copan,Honduras; and even though you are not physically present in the Mayan lands, you will experience the vibration of the wind, the bird song, the water from the mayan lands. The drum playing on the Wisdom Cave track is from Honduras...created in the home of a Mayan musician. The Mayan flutes of the paddler flute, the shaman flute, the coyote flute....sound into our time from ancient times. You are immersed into a time and place that is beyond time as we know it. The description on the back of the Wisdom Enters The World in Love CD brings this transformation into yet a deeper level: "From our innermost core through our action in the world...we are held in Wisdom's presence of love and knowing. She enters the world through all of nature and through our own life expressed in loving action." ...