
Showing posts from March, 2014

New Life for April

New life.....snow is melted....sunshine has that particular bright and golden look of Spring. Retta (our Rhodesian Ridgeback) is now in Spring hunting mode....waking us up in the middle of the night so she can hunt rabbits outside in the dark. Yikes!! My brother Steve is an expert at website creation and maintenance (and an awesome artist and carpenter!) and he is coming on Monday to give me my second lesson in website maintenance so that I can maintain my own website. This will be a new experience for me and very creative. Daily OM featured "Wisdom Enters The World In Love" on March 17th and thank you to all who supported this day of emergence for the Wisdom music. It was a successful day! "Wisdom Enters The World In Love" is a hit with the Tai Chi classes in this area. Not surprising, but I hadn't ever imagined this, music is perfect for Tai Chi. Those in the Tai Chi classes love it, and it is a real blessing for my own body to be movi...

Guided by the Unseen World

Yesterday we had 44 degrees and I was able to walk Retta without freezing. What a blessing for Retta and for me. Monday they are predicting 50+ degrees here...then Wednesday another significant snowfall.... so winter is not really quite done yet with us. What a dynamic month March is! Mayan Dream Productions is selling my music quite heavily this month. As I said in the last blog, everything is waking up. Seeds that were germinating in this last long winter are now sprouting. At this time of year it is really important for me to listen carefully to my inner guidance. It is telling me how to nurture the seeds that are beginning to grow, but I have to listen and act on what my inner voice tells me.....not on what I might "think" I should do. On a lighter note: I am loving my new postage system! It's making my life of shipping so much easier. Someone invented this system, and I give them thanks. Let's see what this new week brings. Love to all.

A Beautiful Snow for the Second Day of March

It's early in the morning, and the first wave of a snow storm has come in during the night.....covering mounds of existing snow with new whiteness. Today...all day...snow! I could sigh and say, oh no, more snow and it's been such a long winter. But, the reality is that the light is brighter in the daytime and the bird song is different. They know that Spring is coming. This snow is lovely and it is just temporary. Mayan Dream Productions shares in this season change. We have had a winter hibernation with all of the gifts that winter brings, and now we can feel the approaching movement outwards back into the world of action. What is happening? We have a new mailing system that better accommodates large numbers of shipments to you. The Spring catalog is out to some of you who will be needing it soon. The Love Streams project is a roaring success, and it now has it's own Facebook page.... (just click here). To follow the journey ...