A dream last night

Here we are again....the night air is cool....the beautiful waning moon shines among the stars in a clear sky....it's 4AM and I am up and writing with my cup of Starbucks coffee at hand, and Retta sleeping nearby. She is my shadow and follows me wherever I go. Over the last weeks, I have been recording new music: Wisdom Enters The World In Love. What a privilege and real joy to watch the music of wisdom emerging. It has not been a particularly easy journey because the music is so completely unknown until I record it, and it is somewhat uncomfortable until I have lived with it for a week or so. It has been a while since music has been such an adventure to bring forward! We have the following tracks: Wisdom Mountain . Wisdom Cave . Held In Gentleness . Fire Within . Wisdom's Evening . Wisdom Dances The Waters! From the innermost cave to the highest mountain...from our innermost core....through our action in the world...we are held in Wisdom's presence of love an...