"Deepening In Love: A Meditation on Love" available for your free download

Jason and Leah are marathon runners.....my family.....and I know the happiness and excitement of cheering on marathon runners, especially near the finish line. What a tragedy for those families who were at the front of the crowd at the finish line in the Boston bombing. Walt and I have been among those in Indianapolis and Chicago finish lines many times cheering on our runners. We send our love to all whose lives have been altered forever through death or injury from this bombing. What can I do? I have put together an album from all of my albums....focused on love....called Deepening In Love: A Meditation on Love by Beverly Rieger. LOVE.....the source of all life....the healer of all woundings...the blessing on our planet Earth in all life forms. As you and I meditate to this music, or listen to this music, our love moves out into the world. May this love bless all whose lives are impacted by violence, illness, injustice. Here is the artwork for the cover. Greg Beck to...