Life Continues

September is on its way with its change of seasons.....announced with storms to bring the cooler weather. Birds begin to flock for their flights south. Spring and summer flowers give way to mums and asters and other flowers of the Autumn season. The air feels crisp and the light begins to change texture. Ancient/Future Symphony will be the featured album for the month of September. This is my favorite music of all the music that I have composed and recorded. And.....the total album was recorded within 8 hours of studio time! Obviously Ancient/Future Symphony already existed as part of me, and I simply had to open up and let the music flow. This blog writing is called Life Continues and Ancient/Future Symphony is a celebration of life beyond our life in physical form. We are spirit, we come into physical form, and we return to spirit. Our life force extends through generations. Everyone has a different idea of what "spirit" means, and what our life her...