It's about time!

Today is the most gorgeous of days. As I look outside my window, I see sunshine and blue skies and the temperature is predicted to be around 75. My huge ash tree has escaped the ravages of the Emerald Ash Borer (with our help) and is in full leaf....extending out over the yard. The rose bush is budding and has grown twice it's original size this Spring. Even though we have endured day after day of rain and below normal temperatures, the flowers and trees have loved it. May is more than half over. We are only a month away from the longest day of the year. How did that happen? It seems like yesterday that we were celebrating the winter solstice and the shortest day. Today I am going to be outside as much as possible....soaking up the sunshine and connecting with all of the different shades of green. Last week was kind of hard with me having a good case of bronchitis. I'm going to see if I can let the bronchitis go through lots of fresh air and sunshine. Might work...