
Showing posts from May, 2010

Day of the Musician and Artist

On the Mayan calendar, today is a special day for musicians and artists. So.....I'm going to celebrate the music that is a part of my life. It's a beautiful, sunny day also today and I ask the sunshine to warm my life and radiate from me out to everyone whose life I touch today. I am in the process of putting together the raw materials to have a video for u-tube created. My intent is that my music plays as the viewer/listener sees the lands of the Maya....and also sees me playing. Hopefully, this will be up and running in about two weeks. I also would love to create a u-tube video that shows the process of creating a piece of music "track-by-track". I was listening to NPR last Friday and another musician from the US creates like I do....lays down a track, and then another track, and then another track....creating a full piece of music and eventually an entire album. May...the month of flower and green and newness of life...Wonderful! Many options are also coming ...